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Specialists Building Events Spotlight: Venues, Hire Companies, Products and Experts – Event Awards
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Specialists Building Events Spotlight: Venues, Hire Companies, Products and Experts

With a vast array of categories on offer to enter in 2023, you might be deliberating on which one to enter. Fret not, you can enter into more than one category and doing so by this Friday 2 June, you’ll get them at the cheaper rate!

The Early Starters Discount rate is only available until this Friday, 2 June so it’s time to take action and take advantage of this offer!

By starting and paying for your entry in the next few days, you’re locking in your place in the Awards at a lesser cost, with all the same benefits! You still have until the Close of Entries (17 July) to complete your entry, you’ll still receive Judges’ feedback on your entry…perhaps you’ll go on to win one or more National Titles and take home the trophies!

Time to get cracking….Start your entry Now

  1. From 2D to 3D: Building the Event Area
  2. The Rendezvous
  3. Latest and Newest Products
  4. Experts of the Industry

From 2D to 3D: Building the Event Area

From rectangles on the plan transforming into elegant marquees on the site or event stages; squares converting to toilets or chairs, circles into plants and trees or tables...what did you put into these shapes to make the empty space an Event?

Hire Company of the Year is the category for companies to tell us what products they have that contribute to events. Entering is EASY - pick three events you've provided your products to and tell us about it!
Plus, if you go on to become a National Nominee, we'll tell the industry about it!

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The Rendezvous

The date is set...you'll be welcoming 10 - 10,000 people onto your land or stepping foot into your building. Your venue chosen for a specific reason for each event - what made you more successful than the alternative? What ideas or innovations did you contribute to the event?

Enter Venue of the Year - pick three of your best events held in your venue and tell us what you did to set yourself apart from the others...was it your approach to sustainability? Technology? Location?

Speaking of...stay tuned for where the Event Awards will be putting down roots for the next three years...

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Latest and Newest Products

What have you been working on? Do you have a new or substantially improved product or technology that has been used at an event in the past 12 months? New Event Product of the Year is the category for software products, ticketing platforms, apps, new physical products and technologies and more, to enter to go in the running for an Event Award.

It's a prime opportunity to get your product out there and known to the industry!

Enter Now

Experts of the Industry

New in 2023, we're recognising the contribution by freelancers to the industry. Freelancer of the Year is awarded to a freelance company or individual that has provided its skills, expertise and/or experience to the events industry.

It takes a good team of experts to pull together some of Australia's best events, large and small - what did you contribute? Tell us about it!

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