Margaret River Gourmet Escape 2016 presented by Audi - 2017 National Finalist: Local Tickets Best Regional Event

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Search for a Home

Search for a Home

The national Search for a Home has begun! We’re seeking the next destination to become ‘home’ to the Australian Event Awards & Symposium for 2019-2021, and are now welcoming bids from destinations, regions, government entities, venues or a partnership combination of such organisations.

Becoming the high profile Destination Partner of the Australian Event Awards and Symposium offers a platform from which to boost your region’s events profile, and to promote the industry and the destination to wider society.

Hosting the Event Awards and Symposium leverages our brand, database, media relationships and professional networks to deliver you a high level of exposure to the whole Australian events industry  – across all sectors, at all levels. Your State or Territory, region and venue would receive prominence as the location chosen from proposals across the entire country for the prestigious Australian Event Awards and Symposium.

Of significant value are the opportunities, year after year, to develop and extend the event experience of the Event Awards and Symposium to more broadly engage your events community, but also to instigate and advance a visitation and place-making strategy leveraging off the Awards. Attended by over 400 event practitioners plus staff and crew, and web-streamed to hundreds more, the awards ceremony alone injects social, cultural and economic benefits to the area over a sustained period of three years. Locals take pride in showing off their home and benefit from aligning their events businesses with the other premier practitioners involved in the Awards.

We are looking for bids showcasing the destination that can facilitate the best possible delivery of the Australian Event Awards and Symposium – we’re looking for passionate, creative, and collaborative Destination Partners who are just as committed to creating an amazing event as we are.

  • Does your region lend itself naturally to extraordinary event experiences?
  • Are you itching to show off your destination and its event capabilities in an impactful way to an influential cross-section of the entire events industry?
  • Keen to collaborate on a premier event, for the events industry itself, alongside a team of top shelf partners?
  • Passionate about contributing to the continued growth and excellence of the Australian events industry?
  • Interested in hosting our next three year adventure?

Use the button below to download an information package. You can also contact us to chat about your bid.

Get the Bid Docs

Bids are now open and are due by 5pm AEST on Tuesday 4 September 2018.