28th Annual Byron Bay Bluesfest 2017 - 2017 National Finalist: Visit Sunshine Coast Best Tourism Event

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Paula Masselos

Paula Masselos

Paula is the Managing Director of Embrace Society which is a communications agency specialising in hard to reach audiences including CALD, Indigenous, women, youth, LGBTI, aged and disabled. Embrace Society is an acknowledged leader in values based behaviour change, community engagement, advertising and communications, and creative strategy and development.

Paula is a highly experienced and award winning strategist and communicator with a career spanning almost 35 years. She has held a number of senior positions including Director of SBS Radio.

Paula has extensive experience in developing highly successful communication strategies and broad experience in running social issues and community engagement campaigns in a diverse range of areas.

Paula has had numerous appointments to ministerial advisory bodies and sat on many boards including sitting on the Radio Advisory Group of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School, Chair of Sydney’s Carnivale Multicultural Arts Festival and served for six years as a Community Relations Commissioner in NSW. She was on the National Women’s Advisory Council and shaped multicultural TV broadcasting as a member of the Ethnic Television Review Panel. Paula has been a Breast Cancer Network of Australia Media Ambassador and participated in the Field of Dreams.

Paula presently chairs many Waverley Council committees including the Arts and Culture Committee, Public Art Committee, RAP Committee, Multicultural ADvisopry Committee, and has close invovlement in the restoration of the iconic Boni Pavilion and the heritage listed Boot Factory which will be a centre of innovation including an Innovation Civic Town Hall for the community.