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Want some extra time? You got it! – Event Awards
Venues Canberra for their work at Exhibition Park in Canberra - 2017 National Finalist: Best Achievement in Venue Management

Want some extra time? You got it!

To cater for everyone across the country, we have added an extra 9 hours to the close of entries time to let you finish, pay for and fine tune your entry.

This means that entries will now close at 9am (AEST) on Tuesday 20 July.

That’s 9am in the Eastern states (QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC and TAS), 8:30am in the Northern Territory and South Australia and 7am in Western Australia. Somewhere else? Give this time converter a try to make sure you don’t miss out.

Reminder: Don’t forget to pay for your entry in full. Only paid entries will be submitted for judging so make sure your hard work doesn’t go to waste and pay by 9am (AEST) 20 July.

  1. Don't Forget to Save!
  2. Best Achievement in Venue Management

Don't Forget to Save!

Are you working offline? It's time to log into the entry portal and upload all your hard work.

At 9am (AEST) on 20 July, the entry portal will close and you won't be able to enter any more information. Make sure all your data is submitted for judging by uploading it this weekend.

Log into the entry portal now and finalise your entry...

Entry Portal

Best Achievement in Venue Management

Best Achievement in Venue Management recognises a person or team within a venue that has enhanced the experience of an event through management of the venue.

In 2020, Melbourne Cricket Club took home the Best Achievement in Venue Management Award for their work at the MCG. The judges commented, "Your facility clearly has put a lot of work into making sure disabled people can access the stadium easily. Well done."

You still have the weekend to get your team & venue in the mix - start your entry today...

Enter Now