Sold Out National Event Management - 2017 National Finalist: eps Australia Event Management Company of the Year

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Getting under the bonnet of Tri-Point Rigging

Getting under the bonnet of Tri-Point Rigging

As they approach their 20th birthday, our Rigging Partner Tri-Point Rigging really is the entertainment rigging specialist – there’s over a century of rigging experience between the company’s three directors across events, concert touring and television.

Tri-Point Rigging Staging Manager Victoria Garside explains, “We pride ourselves on our out-of-the-box thinking, creating custom solutions and bespoke rigs to realise our client’s wildest imaginations.”

“We are a diverse blend of theatre and arty types, adventurous stunties, computer nerds and old school rock ‘n rollers,” she says.

“Tri-Point brings us all together as one solid family unit, centred in the company logo surrounded by the three Directors (the three triangles).

“Our motto, ‘suspending your imagination since 1998’, is all about combining our practical entertainment rigging experience with a creative brief limited only by artistic imagination.”

“From installing a ‘walk the plank’ on top of a 32-storey building in the Gold Coast, ‘floating’ a 120 tonne steel stage on Sydney Harbour, or building a giant scaffold structure on a barge in Brisbane for a water projection display, Tri-Point are up for the challenge to push the boundaries of what’s possible whilst maintaining the highest level of safety and structural integrity.”

On why Tri-Point supports the Australian Event Awards as a Project Delivery Partner, Garside says, “It is fantastic to have an institution in Australia that is recognising the world-class events that us Aussies pull together.

“The Australian Event Awards is a great opportunity to socialise and network, celebrate great achievements and pay homage to individuals that have helped shape our industry.”

As the Event Awards approaches its 10th anniversary, Tri-Point are about to celebrate their 20th and Garside reveals that they’ve never forgotten their beginnings.

“We still have the company’s first ever quotation (for a TV series called Farscape) framed on the wall in our office. It’s a lovely reminder of how far the company has come!”

With anniversaries an apt time for reflection on the state of the industry, Garside says Australia’s population and geography can be difficult for new events looking to grow.

“I think the greatest challenge in our industry is maintaining longevity of our annual outdoor events calendar.

“Compared to Europe we have a small population across an incredibly large land mass, and a high cost of living as well, so young events have a lot to contend with when they reach that growth stage.

“It’s deeply saddening to watch an event fall over, and those that prevail get a lot of kudos from me!”

But she says the comradie of the Australian industry is a definite plus.

“We pitch against each other for the same project, but then we’ll collaborate together on the next one! It’s a close-knit group and there’s definitely a mutual respect that ‘we’re all in this together’.”

And on a final, reflectivenote, Garside says her favourite memory of the Awards first ten years comes from the Awards first foray into a regional area.

“The fireworks display at the 2016 Event Awards on the Sunshine Coast was a beautiful addition to the festivities, and really set off the interstate move of the event with a (literal) bang!” she says

“Happy anniversary to the Australian Event Awards and here’s to another 10!”

Find out more about Tri-Point Rigging at