Best Export
Awarded to an individual or organisation that makes a notable contribution to the Australian events industry through activity in the global arena.
Eligibility Period 2024
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Eligibility Criteria 2024
- All work referred to in the entry must have been performed at or in relation to the delivery of a specific event or events.
- All events referred to in the entry must have taken place wholly between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 or, in the case that part of the event(s) falls inside and part outside of these dates, the entrant must contact The Event Awards for a ruling from the Judging Panel on whether that event is eligible to be included in the entry.
- The achievement must have been principally accomplished by people who are Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Australia.
- The achievement must have been undertaken in relation to a specific event or events staged outside of Australia.
- The entrant must be either:
- The owner of the event or events; OR
- A product or service provider to the event or events with permission of the event owner to enter the achievement for an Australian Event Award
Entry Forms
Each Category has a dedicated entry form with questions framed around the Judging Criteria. These are available in the Entry Portal during the Entry Period for each year.
Judging Criteria 2024
- Quality of the Achievement (80%)
- Degree of Difficulty (10%)
- Evidence to Support Claims (10%)
Who Should Enter This Category
- Any company or individual that has made a contribution to events outside of Australia
Access Entry Portal